Pregnancy can be in a high-risk category, which is grouped according to Poedji Rochjati Scoring Card that causes anxiety. Anxiety in a pregnant woman can trigger contractions, abortus, increasing…
Indonesia is still in a position of the concentrated epidemic, where female sex workers are still one of the risk populations that are very vulnerable to HIV/AIDS. The process of accepting and li…
Stunting is a condition where the children have short stature caused by chronic malnutrition. Stunting could interfere with physical development and affects low intelligence levels. Based on basi…
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that babies get exclusive breastfeeding during the first 6 months, but many breastfeeding mothers are unable to give their milk because of lack of …
Labor pain is a physiological process with a different intensity for each individual. Lamaze in Bobak (2010) states that 85 - 90% of deliveries take place with pain, and only 10-15% of deliveries…
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that around 30% of infants experience mild developmental delays. Babies aged 0-12 months are a golden period as well as a critical period, because it …
Childbirth is a moment full of stress that causes pain, fear, and anxiety. Acupressure Hegu LI 4 is one of the techniques to reduce pain during labor. Objective of the study was to identify the d…
Anxiety in pregnant women can have an impact on low birth weight and smaller head circumference in babies born and can interfere with cognitive performance during infancy and decrease brain vol…
Labor pain is pain that is caused when labor takes place starting from the first time of labor, pain occurs because of the great activity in the mother's body to push the baby out of the womb. Ma…
Menstrual pain is a natural condition, but if doesn’t get appropriate treatment, it can be bad for health. Non-pharmacological efforts that can be applied to cope with menstrual pain are warm c…