The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 is increasing. In Indonesia, 52% of pregnant women are infected with Covid19. Women who are confirmed positive will experience long-term effects, especia…
The Covid-19 pandemic has become a non-natural disaster that has brought a lot of losses, and has been designated by the government as a national disaster. Pregnant women who were confirmed posit…
Stunting is one of the malnutrition problems experienced by toddlers in the world. Indonesia is the third country in the prevalence of stunting in the Southeast Asian region. Visfatin is one of t…
Street children are identified as a symptom of the economic crisis and excessive urbanization. Lack of basic information and knowledge about reproductive health causes street children to be vulne…
One of the physical changes that often occur in 50-90% of pregnant women is the appearance of striae gravidarum. Striae gravidarum is caused by stretching of the skin during pregnancy. The impact…
Some women consider vaginal delivery to be a difficult and dangerous delivery process so that Sectio Cesarea (SC) tends to be chosen even though the SC method has a risk of infection. In the past…
The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding include increasing the baby's immune system, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior and s…
In 2017 there were 48,300 HIV cases in Indonesia and 9,280 AIDS cases. The cumulative AIDS cases in 1987-2017 were 102,667 cases, with the number of AIDS infections in housewives reaching 14,721 …
Cervical cancer was caused approximately 90% of death occurred in low and middle-income countries. Indonesia was the second country which has the most cervical cancer cases in the world. Midwiv…
Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Indonesia is 2.6. It’s above the average TFR in ASEAN countries which is 2.44. This condition shows that Indonesia's population growth is high. The herbal plants a…