INTRODUCTION Rising rates of caesarean section (CS) is an issue of particular concern. Recently, there has been research supporting Vaginal Births After Caesarean (VBAC), which is controversial. In…
Migrant and refugee pregnant women constitute a highly vulnerable group to mental disorders. The rates of mental illness of migrants and refugees are higher than those of host populations, with mig…
INTRODUCTION This study was conducted to assess the informed consent practices during normal vaginal delivery (NVD) process and immediate postpartum care in the tertiary-level hospitals of Banglade…
INTRODUCTION Access to contraceptive consultations and the content of these consultations are important to achieve a safe and satisfying sexual life and successful reproduction when desired. The ai…
INTRODUCTION In 2010, the Norwegian Directorate of Health introduced the guideline ‘Safe maternity services – quality standards for maternal care’. These standards include adequate staffing w…
INTRODUCTION Malnutrition is one of the major problems in which the physical function of an individual is impaired to the point that it can no longer maintain adequate body processes such as growth…
INTRODUCTION Clinical placements are an integral part of midwifery education and are crucial for achieving professional competencies. Although students’ experiences on placements have been shown …
INTRODUCTION Men are the key decision makers in the family and play a crucial role in the reproductive health of partners, in Nigeria. This study assessed adult male involvement in maternity care i…
INTRODUCTION Midwives have a remarkable influence on various outcomes in healthcare, of which the activities related to the management during the childbirth are emphasised the most. Midwives like a…