Cancer is the number two cause of death in the world. 10 types of cancer in Indonesia, breast cancer ranks first (21.69%) followed by cervical cancer (17%). To prevent the disease, The Government…
Maternal mortality is still a problem globally and especially occur in developing countries, including Indonesia. The maternal mortality rate is one indicator of the health status of a country. G…
Child nutrition problems can be handled from the start through the activation of the posyandu. The first screening was conducted at the posyandu by comparing body weight with age. Each cadre has …
Labor pain is a subjective experience experienced by the mother about physical sensations associated with uterine contractions, dilation and thinning of the cervix and decreased fetus during labo…
Maternity deaths in pregnant women are associated with anemia. Efforts to overcome anemia in pregnant women have not achieved the optimum results. One of them is caused by the low level of preg…
According to WHO research, breast milk contains antibody hormones, immune factors, and antioxidants so that babies survive at 6 months. The 2013 Riskesdas data shows that percent of Exclusive bre…
Symptoms that often arise in the early months of pregnancy are nausea followed by vomiting (emesis). The content of Linalil in lemon aromatherapy is useful for normalizing the emotional state and …
Usia 6 bulan awal diberikan makanan pendamping ASI. Pemberian MP-ASI dilakukan secara bertahap, mulai dari makanan yang bertekstur lembut, semi lembut, dan makanan padat saat usia 1 tahun. MP-A…
Masa bayi disebut juga dengan masa keemasan atau golden age sekaligus masa kritis perkembangan seorang bayi pada usia 0-12 bulan. Data nasional menurut Kementrian Kesehatan Indonesia bahwa pada…
Keluarga dikatakan berada dalam perilaku Kadarzi yang baik ketika mereka telah menganut lima indikator yaitu ditimbang secara teratur, ASI eksklusif, makan makanan yang bervariasi, menggunakan gara…