Anemia dalam kehamilan yaitu kadar Hb kurang dari 11 g/dL atau hematokrit, 33%, sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan global, yang mempengaruhi hampir 50% wanita hamil, sekaligus fakt…
According to WHO research, breast milk contains antibody hormones, immune factors, and antioxidants so that babies survive at 6 months. The 2013 Riskesdas data shows that percent of Exclusive bre…
Remaja putri yang mampu menjaga kebersihan vagina saat menstruasi tidak akan mengalami pruritus vulva. Namun kenyataannya, masih banyak remaja yang mengalami pruritus vulva, terutama pada remaj…
Mual dan muntah merupakan hal yang fisiologis terjadi dalam kehamilan muda, tetapi mual dan muntah berlanjut semakin berat akan menyebabkan hiperemesis gravidarum yang dapat menyebabkan dehidra…
Symptoms that often arise in the early months of pregnancy are nausea followed by vomiting (emesis). The content of Linalil in lemon aromatherapy is useful for normalizing the emotional state and …
INTRODUCTION Continuity models of midwifery care are significant factors in facilitating a positive childbirth experience for birthing women. A knowledge gap exists regarding partners’ experience…
INTRODUCTION Maternal positions and mobility during childbirth can have different and specific effects on labor and affect some birth outcomes. The aim of the survey is to investigate the knowledge…
INTRODUCTION Increasing numbers of maternity units are implementing routine and standardized monitoring of all women using a form of Early Warning Score System with the aim to early detect women at…