A condition where red blood cells ammount is not enough for physiological need is called Anemia, one of general cause of anemia is because less of iron. Anemia can give bad impact for the pregnan…
Current service providers must maintain quality, if customers do not want to be left behind. This includes Health Services from the Aspects of Perception of Quality, Management and Human Resource…
Maternal Mortality Ratio is an important indicator to determine the degree of public health. causes of maternal death in Indonesia is the most common cause of obstetric direct and indirect matern…
Immunization is an attempt to provide immunity to infants and children by inserting vaccines into the body so that the body makes substances anti to prevent certain diseases. The purpose of immun…
In 1994 the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) has changed the paradigm in managing population problems, which was originally oriented to reducing fertility (humans a…
Cancer is the number two cause of death in the world. 10 types of cancer in Indonesia, breast cancer ranks first (21.69%) followed by cervical cancer (17%). To prevent the disease, The Government…
Maternal mortality is still a problem globally and especially occur in developing countries, including Indonesia. The maternal mortality rate is one indicator of the health status of a country. G…
Labor pain is a subjective experience experienced by the mother about physical sensations associated with uterine contractions, dilation and thinning of the cervix and decreased fetus during labo…
Child nutrition problems can be handled from the start through the activation of the posyandu. The first screening was conducted at the posyandu by comparing body weight with age. Each cadre has …
INTRODUCTION This study aimed to explore both mothers’ and fathers’ lived experiences of the birth environment. Objectives were set to explore how the physical, psychosocial, spiritual and cult…