Latar Belakang : Anemia merupakan permasalahan utama yang dialami oleh remaja, khususnya remaja putri di Asia Tenggara termasuk di Indonesia. Laporan berbagai studi di Indonesia memperlihatkan …
One of the public health problems that occur in infants and toddlers on Indonesia is stunting. The prevalence of stunting in the Riau Island Province SSGI data for 2021 shows an increase in the p…
Breast Milk (ASI) is the best nutrition for babies. Exclusive breastfeeding is given to babies within 6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by fluency of breast milk production. Efforts…
Prolonged parturition is one of the causes of increased mortality and morbidity in the mother and fetus. Mothers with prolonged labor have a higher risk of bleeding due to uterine atony, tearing …
In Indonesia, currently there are various physiotherapy intervention modalities for children with special needs, especially in cerebral palsy. The Bobath concept is a holistic approach to solving…
Anemia during pregnancy is a blood disorder that occurs in pregnant women when hemoglobin (Hb) in the body is less than 11 gr / dl in the 1st and 3rd trimesters, and less than 10.5 gr / dl in the…
One of the methods to keep working mothers able to provide breast milk is freezing. However, the processing carried out on breast milk can affect the nutritional content in it. Therefore, this st…
Indonesian maternal mortality in 2012, 32.5% was caused by hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia, while 24.22% in 2015 and 26% in 2016. Currently, there is no method of screening for preecl…
One of the factors causing death indirectly is late knowing of the danger signs of pregnancy. To anticipate this, it is necessary to identify complications of pregnancy or danger signs of pregnan…
Anemia is a health problem that is often found throughout the world and has an impact on the quality of human resources. Nutritional anemia will slowly inhibit the growth and development of intel…