During the pregnancy period there are physical and psychological changes and social changes become an experience for pregnant women, one of which is anxiety during pregnancy, the prevalence of …
The use of contraception in Indonesia has not been maximized, based on data from the BKKBN new contraception participants chose to use the injection method. This is influenced by many factors, on…
The puerperium can caused puerperium infections. The puerperium infection can cause maternal death and increase the MMR rate. The research aims to determine the characteristics of puerperal infe…
Nyeri persalinan yang tidak bisa diatasi oleh ibu bersalin dapat menimbulkan masalah dan mempengaruhi kondisi ibu berupa kelelahan, frustasi, putus asa dan menimbulkan stress. Survey pendahulua…
Setiap ibu yang telah menjalani proses persalinan dengan luka perineum akan merasakan nyeri, nyeri yang dirasakan oleh setiap ibu post partum menimbulkan dampak yang tidak menyenangkan seperti …