During the pregnancy period there are physical and psychological changes and social changes become an experience for pregnant women, one of which is anxiety during pregnancy, the prevalence of …
Based on research by the World Health Organization (WHO), around the world there are 10,000,000 infant deaths per year in Indonesia, among ASEAN countries, is the country with the highest perin…
Most people with disabilities in Indonesia live in conditions that are vulnerable, underdeveloped, and / or poor because there are still restrictions, obstacles, difficulties, and the reduction o…
Latar Belakang; Kehamilan merupakan sesuatu yang wajar pada wanita produktif. Kesehatan kehamilan dapat dijaga salah satunya dengan melakukan aktivitas fisik yang diperbolehkan untuk ibu hamil sesu…
Apotek usaha bakti merupakan salah satu apotek yang bergerak dibidang jasa pendistribusian obat-obatan untuk disalurkan ke klinik az-zainiyah di pondok pesantren nurul jadid. Dalam setiap proses di…