Breastfeeding mothers are critical for realizing a qualified and dignified Indonesian generation. However, mental health, such as anxiety, frequently appears on postpartum mothers during the firs…
In Indonesia, covid-19 through middle December 2020, there are over 600 thousand confirmed cases with a death toll over 16 thousand. Some of Indonesia's covid-19 pandemic efforts include preventi…
Stunting is a condition where the children have short stature caused by chronic malnutrition. Stunting could interfere with physical development and affects low intelligence levels. Based on basi…
The most teenage girl experienced dysmenorrhea during their period (67.2%) and premenstrual syndrome (63.1%). Semarang District Health Office in 2013 reported as many as 50-80% of adolescents a…
Infections caused by Candida albicans are generally common in the vaginal mucosa or called Vulvovaginal Candidiasis. Herbal medicine is proven to be an alternative to treat vaginal candidiasis.…
Ruptur perineum dapat terjadi karena adanya ruptur spontan maupun episiotomi. Proses penyembuhan luka perineum dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor terutama perilaku aktif ibu dalam menangani masalah…
Sistem Informasi Pengajuan Label Halal MUI Kabupaten Probolinggo secara Online bertujuan untuk menghasilkan software sistem pendaftaran untuk perusahaan yang ingin mendapatkan label halal untuk sua…