The most important nutritional needs of infants 0-6 months is by giving breast milk, because its composition is in accordance with the amount of nutrients needed by babies. Exclusive breastfeedin…
The incidence of premenstrual syndrome is high. Premenstrual syndrome sufferers feel disturbed with the symptoms. One of these symptoms is stress. Stress can reduced by progressive muscle relaxat…
Maternal Mortality Ratio is an important indicator to determine the degree of public health. causes of maternal death in Indonesia is the most common cause of obstetric direct and indirect matern…
Upaya menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian pada bayi dan balita salahsatunya adalah dengan imunisasi. Pada awal kehidupan bayi sangat rentan terkena penyakit, apabila bayi terkena penyakit mak…